Patron Saint Fiesta Teulada

At the close of the Fiesta Patronales 2023, a new "Commission" was created to oversee the arrangements and fundraising for the annual Fiesta of the Patron Saint of Teualda, San Vicent Ferrer.  The Commission and the Festeros are volunteers who give up their time, voluntarily, to work all year to raise funds and also arrange the Fiesta for the following year. This is a huge undertaking as very little money is provided by the local town hall for this purpose. The funds are raised by a variety of means, from the sale of lottery tickets, advertising, donations, and also the running of events, such as the Valentine Ball, Concerts etc. Each year a new Commission will create a Facebook and Instagram identity for events to be announced so you can follow the build-up to the town Fiesta, "festerssvfteulada24", each year, only the last two numbers change

The Fiestas of Teulada start on the 04th of April and continue to the 14th of April, the detailed event guide will be released near that time, but so far we know

05th April - Coronation of the Queens

06th April - Day of the young children, and the offering of flowers

08th April - Day of the Patron Saint of Teulada, Sant Vicent Ferrer

09th April - Parade of Floats

13th April - Day of Quintadas

21st April - Walk to the Ermita of Font Santa


Mediterranea Villas

Carrer Sant Vicente Ferrer, 30




+34 619 42 57 38
+34 619 42 57 38
L-V: 09:30 - 19:00
S: 09:30 - 14:00

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